When you are a full time student with a part time job, it can be difficult to find time to spend with your family, but Jared is so good. Lots of times, I will find him reading Dallin a story or chatting up a storm. Other days, I will walk in and his camera will be out and being put to work, capturing all the funny faces that Dallin seems to come up with. And there is always some good ol male-bonding naptime. But a man's gotta do his homework some time, so Jared has come up with a variety of strategies of keeping Dallin entertained and happy. He recently downloaded a 'White Noise" app. This app will just play white noise for hours...and Dallin loves it. It will soothe him almost immediately...The normal-non-infant human being is easily annoyed by the never-ending whooshing sound-- But Jared is an innovative man. Now at only 2 1/2 weeks old, Dallin has already learned how to put headphones in. Let's just hope he doesn't make a habit of it. :)