Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Sunday

I know it has been ages since I have done anything on this blog--the last time I wrote, Dallin was barely 2 weeks old, and now he is almost 8 months!!  It is crazy how time flies! It never ceases to amaze me how the seemingly-insignificant days add up to be the meat of our ever-changing, meaningful lives.

The last eight months have been full of many typical and atypical adventures of an average family of three.  I plan to spend this week catching up completely on the last months, but as for tonight I will merely focus on today.

  Today was a pretty typical Sunday for the Hughes Family.  Thanks to the Lord's commandment, we are able to keep the Sabbath holy by actually sleeping past 7:00 in the morning. ( But could someone please tell me why I still feel so tired?? )  Church goes as follows:

8:45- Arrive and sit in whatever bench allows easy access in and out of the chapel. Dallin is wide eyed and silent as he watches everyone arrive.
9:00- After 15 minutes of a quiet, observant child, the loud noises and wiggly legs kick into full action.
9:10: As the Sacrament begins, Dallin decides to unexpectantly leap out of our arms in to the back of the bench in front of us--proceeding to smack his head right on the wood; soon follows a good scream and cry.
9:11- And so it begins.  Out in the foyer. Look out the windows--sure to leave some tongue marks for the lucky cleaners next week.  Walk around the church.  Walk around the halls. (Repeat 6 times as needed) Hand Dallin a toy. Pick up the toy from the floor and hand it to him again. (Repeat 10 times) Put toy away and try to distract him from noticing. Nurse in the overflowing Mothers Room, but fail to finish because there is WAY too many exciting things happening in there. :) And back to the hallways, windows, and nice smiling ladies sitting in the foyer.  Repeat the toy sequence with 3 different toys.  This all is then repeated spontaneously throughout the next 2 1/2 hours.  Finally at 11:45, Dallin falls asleep--only to be awoken by the wind outside as we get in the car to leave.

Awww yes, Sundays are so validating.

All the same, life with Dallin is exciting and exhilarating. He opens our eyes to the wonders of pie tins, spatulas, and stuffed animals.
   I mean who wouldn't love looking up and seeing this face all day long??

                              Or this one??

We sure don't!